15 January – My eyes were drinking from your eyes for one minute

Much as I hate to say it, but Sweden has been involved in more than its fair share of good contests over the years. Not just ones they’ve won, but also ones they’ve hosted.

I go on (and on) about 1985. But cast your mind back 10 years previously, and we were in Stockholm for the first time. It was a small, cosy event with an orchestra, a new style of voting, and an odd winner. But let’s go to the song that finished 19th of 19. This was Turkey’s début, from birthday girl Semiha Yankı. Those juries had enough trouble with ‘odd’ languages like Finnish, so Turkish was well out of their comfort zone. Except for Monaco, who gave Semiha her only points. I think the other 17 juries should have been ashamed of themselves.

Semiha is 61 today.

Doğum günün kutlu olsun, Semiha!