Franko: I love this. It is beyond doubt my absolute favourite song of this year and deserves to triumph over all takers. But it won’t…… They do absolutely nothing wrong, they sing well, the backdrop is effective and they move well on stage. They perform like a rock band giving a concert not a Eurovision act doing a TV show. It’s my idea of heaven but I have my doubts that the rest of Europe will agree. It could well qualify, but if you were going lay bets on one of the power 4 at the start of semi 2 not making it through it would unfortunately be this one much as it deserves to trounce the others.
Nick: I’m not having the amount of fun with Mor ve Otesi that I feel I should be. They’ve got giant back-projected statues that get Photoshop filtered to hell in the course of the song, they’ve got everything that they should have, and yet, and yet… like Kabat, they’ve forgotten to bring any hummability. It totally fails to lodge in your brain and refuse to go away, still, and they’ve added nothing in the staging that makes you think “Oh yes, that one – I liked that one!”. It’ll get a certain number of points, and I still think that certain number might be smaller than the 60-70 I reckon are required to proceed. Semifinal 2 is going to be a thing of quiet and understated horror, I can just tell! Hang on, is he supposed to sound like that? I should like this loads. Why the frick don’t I?