Nick: In spite of the screens flashing up “SHAKE IT!” every so often, it’s perfectly clear that Kenan Doglu isn’t in any way attempting to be the new Sakis.
I’m kind of wanting to dislike it, still.
It’s a pretty deadly, clinical example of the genre – almost too slick. Still not sure that the chorus doesn’t repeat once too many, either. However, you can ease the tedium by singing the words “Diggi Loo Diggi Ley” over the “Shake It Up Shekerim” bits. Just don’t do it in earshot of the Turkish cheering squad, that’s all I’m sayin’…
Phil: This is a song I really should detest. A typical Turkish singer, singing a song that is typically Turkish in every way – it even has a disturbing lyric: “I have lots of candy for you.” Do you really?!
And yet, and yet … There is something incredibly catchy and irritating about this. Can’t say quite the same for Kenan Doglu. He starts in a sack and, frankly, that is where he should stay; but TRT let him out and he performs a standard Turkish dance routine.
Lots of belly dancing lovelies around him – and the Turkish press“are currently playing up to the camera. They do tend towards sycophantic though and would most likely like anything TRT send. They would love it even if he stood there and recited the Istanbul Yellow Pages. Dangerous, and yet, slightly disturbing.