A home entry! Excellent. This one comes from a country warm enough for the home participant not to worry about wishing they’d gone somewhere more exotic. The home broadcaster was a joint effort between a national and a regional TV company. That regional TV company is now a national one.
Back in 1990, Eurovision was a more closed affair, and many places east of the Alps looked on in envy. In the Balkans, Yugoslavia still existed – just. Today’s birthday girl Tajči (née Tatjana Matejaš) sang for the Yugos, even though she’s now be seen as Croatian. Lucky the contest was in Zagreb then. With her pert delivery and permanent smile, her and her pals managed a handy seventh place. Not quite what either JRT or TV Zagreb wanted, but good enough. And is it the best Yugoslav song ever?
Tajči is 50 today.
Sretan rođendan/Срећан рођендан/Vse najboljše/Среќен роденден, Tajči!