Is there anything worse than being the Eurovision entry from the home country? Other participants get to see new an exciting places. Icelanders in Baku perhaps. Or Spaniards in Moscow. But you get to see the same old city instead of a free jaunt abroad. Then there’s the pressure from the host broadcaster. They want you to do well, but not quite win. That would just mean a very expensive headache for someone from your own country. Runner-up is good. Top 10 will do. So with that in mind, here’s one of those (un)lucky home participants. Јелена Томашевић/Jelena Tomašević had a song written by Mr Željko Joksimović, who was only the co-presenter in Belgrade Did it win? Well obviously it didn’t. This song finished sixth. So in one respect, honour was saved.
Jelena is 33 today.
Срећан рођендан, Јелена!