14 January – Keep looking up ahead, riding like the wind

Two birthdays for the price of one? You don’t get that very often, so when it comes along it’s worth posting. Even if these people are from the country they’re from.

Sadly, it’s not the two glamour pusses from Slovakia, but I’ll pick them when their day comes around. Today’s birthday girls are the wholesome twosome from Russia that are Анастасия и Мария Андреевна Толмачёвы/Anastasiya and Maria Andreyevna Tolmachevy. As you’ll know if you’re a proper fan, they won the Junior version of our favourite TV show in 2006. They then appeared astride a large bird when we were in sunny Moscow in 2009. So we all knew it was only a matter of time before they sang competitively at the big one, which they did in this video. They came 7th. It must have been the gimmick with the hair. Or the high-tech way their fan closed.

Anastasiya and Maria are 21 today.

С днем рождения, Анастасия и Мария!