I dunno. Some countries’ songs are like buses. You wait ages and then two come along [almost] at once. Yesterday we had everyone’s favourite singer of tango-related ditties. Today we have someone who tried twice. She’s one of the even rarer breed who sang teice, in different decades. And an even rarer breed still, in that those two decades weren’t consecutive ones. How many more performers can boast that? Probably plenty, but I’ll leave you to cogitate.
But who is this performer? It’s the one and only Katri Helena, variously a Kalaoja, a Turunen, a Rajala, and a Koistinen. She’s a veteran of many years of singing, and apparently looks just the same now as she did in this video from 1979.
Katri Helena is 72 today.
Hyvää syntymäpäivää, Katri Helena!