17 November – Where the moon is full

Kachkëis. The sharp-eyed amongst you will notice that today’s video contains three performers, all given equal billing. That could possibly mean this ditty gets played three times as much as all the others. I say that, but it’s been some considerable time since I picked this song, if any. And in a bit of coincidence, this country has today been confirmed as the 43rd participant in Lisbon next May.

You’ve therefore guessed it’s Macedonia (FYR), and it’s the turn of birthday boy Раде ‘Врчак’ Врчаковски/Rade ‘Vrčak’ Vrčakovski. He’s obviously not the one doing the most of the singing, but he’s the one in the big pair of sunglasses. It always makes me chuckle when someone wears shades in a dark location. It makes me wonder what they have to hide. Well, after over a week of rehearsals, it’s probably something unpleasant.

Vrčak is 37 today.

Среќен роденден, Врчак!