18 December – One chance to get it wrong

It’s fan favourite alert time at the Café OnEurope, and have we got a treat for you? Have we? Oh, right, yes we have. If I say it enough I’ll convince myself.

Anyhoo, back in the early days of these new-fangled semi-finals and things the rules were contrived so the top 10 in the previous year got straight into the final. Neat, eh? Well it would be if those automatic finalists were liked by the people of Europe.

Such was this little gem from today’s birthday girl Sandy ‘Xandee‘ Boets. The fans were in raptures about her song. It’s going to win by a country kilometre, getting 12s, 10s and 8s from every country. It didn’t quite get those votes – it got a 5 and two 1s. But what do fans know?

Xandee is 38 today.

Happy birthday, Xandee!