Don’t you just love our favourite TV show for its masses of different styles? You can have good old Scandi-Schlager, followed by good old Adriatic ballad, followed by Rudolfo Chikilicuatre. There’s something for everyone. Some styles feature more than others. Metal (whether it be heavy or death) is often absent, so it’s noteworthy when it does appear.
In 2013, our friends in Albania tried this tack, instead of their usual big ballad from an earnest female. It was a duet between today’s birthday boy Adrian Lulgjuraj (with the shorter hair and no shirt under his jacket) and Bledar Sejko, and was refreshingly in Shqip. It was a bold move, but sandwiched between Norwegian severity and Georgian ballad á la Disney. The people of Europe (except Macedonia FYR and Greece) weren’t that impressed. But watch this and get ready to head-bang.
Adrian is 37 today.
Gëzuar ditëlindjen, Adrian!