We have another winner today. For some people, this might be the best winner ever. For me, it’s OK, and it proved that you didn’t need to be Scandinavian to win. I know of people who vowed they’d never go to Eurovision again when this beat a pretty boy from Moscow. But there they were, one year later, in this winner’s country’s capital. Ah, how fickle we are.
Today’s birthday girl Сусана Алімівна Джамаладінова/Susana Camaladinova/Susana Alimivna Jamaladinova, better known to us as Jamala. Her win was probably a little controversial, due to the issues it raised. However, as an esteemed colleague of mine always says, ‘we get the winner we deserve’. I loved the two weeks we had in Kyiv, and it was kinder to the wallet than two weeks in Со́чи/Sochi, Stockholm, or Sydney.
Jamala is 34 today.
З Днем народження/Tuvgan günün kutlu bolsin, Jamala!