Some of the countries in our fair continent (and Australia) have a love/hate relationship with our favourite TV show.
While some see participating as a rite of passage, emphasising their nationhood, some look at it sideways and need to be persuaded much more. As it is with our friends in the Czech Republic.
For years, when you looked at participating countries, there was this Czech-shaped hole in Europe’s map. Thankfully in 2008 they finally joined the party, but didn’t really ‘get’ it. It wasn’t until 2016 that we saw a Czech song in the Grand Final, but perhaps they should also have made it in Vienna.
That song was co-performed by today’s birthday boy Václav Noid Bárta. You must remember him. His co-singer Marta Jandová threw her shoes at him, the scamp that she is. In my opinion, it was a song that deserved better.
Václav is 36 today.
Všechno nejlepší k narozeninám, Václav!