29 March – My heartbeat, my heartbeat, my heartbeat


It’s always disappointing when a country fails to qualify for a Grand Final. Especially when they used to have a such an impeccable record in the past. They must often wonder what they need to do to appeal to enough people to make it out of a bloodbath of a semi-final. They try everything. Modern stuff, traditional stuff, novelty stuff, cerebral stuff. And it rarely works.

I’m talking about Ireland. Seven wins, the last of which is now over 20 years ago. And a mere scattering of Grand Finals. It’s logical to think that when ethnic works for countries further east, it’s worth a shot. This is what inspired the choice including today’s birthday girl Kasey Smith (as assisted by Can-Linn). A little bit traditional, and a little bit modern. Sadly it didn’t quite work.

Kasey is 27 today.

Happy birthday/Breithlá sona, Kasey!