It’s winner time again. Will it be a Scandinavian, since I know you love them? Or will it be from ‘New Europe’. You know, that bit of Europe that didn’t exist before 1992 and has since given the contest the kick it needed. well the answer to these questions is ‘no’. It’s from one of those stalwarts of Eurovision, that have been since those early days.
It’s actually from Mr Phil’s beloved United Kingdom of stuff. Which winner you may ask? Well, it’s from that famous year when you got four winners for the price of one. That crowd in the Teatro Real definitely got their moneys-worth. OK, it’s Marie McDonald McLaughlin Lawrie, also known as Lulu.
If you’re a proper Eurovision fan, you will have seen the Y*u*u*e video of her winning performance. So here’s her bash at the song at the Eurovision Gala in 1981.
Lulu is 68 today.
Happy birthday, Lulu!