30 November – There’s nothing wrong

Abgereifter. A prop is always a good thing to make your song stand out just that little bit more than the rest. The question is: what kind of prop do you use? It could be a big sparkly glitter ball. That works, but can get in the way. Or there’s a collection of macabre instruments of torture. They can work, but need added pyrotechnics. But the real prop that seems to be the fallback is the costume change.

We’ve seen them all over the years. One change, two changes, change from male clothing to female clothing. But one of the more memorable ones came from today’s birthday girl Linda Wagenmakers. Along with her noteworthy surname, Linda had the dress that not only caught the attention, but had men hiding underneath it. And they weren’t even criminals. They were her dancers. She almost didn’t take part due to a disaster in her home country. But we’re glad she did, even just to see her frock.

Linda is 42 today.

Happy birthday, Linda!