It’s debut song time again at the Cafe Oneurope. But which debut song? Is it one from those heady days of black & white? Or one from our New European friends? Or is it a combination of the two? You might think I’ve just gone a little bit mad, now that we’re in the official new Eurovision year. But I haven’t. Montenegro has had several debuts over the years. They were part of Yugoslavia who had moderate success over the years. Then they were part of Serbia & Montenegro, which participated twice, again to moderate success. Then, finally, in 2007, they got to sing under their own nice little flag. That was in Helsinki and it was by today’s birthday boy Стеван Фeди/Stevan Faddy. After this song, Crna Gora‘s only way was up. Stevan is 30 today.
Срећан рођендан, Стефан!
Serbia & Montenegro 2nd place in 2004 can not be described as moderate success