After the Moldovan excitement I thought it’d be nice to go out in the sunshine and have a stroll about. Well, it is lovely and sunny and there’s been a cracking street party called Europe Day going on with loads of stalls from different European countries and stages everywhere. Managed to catch Global.Kryner doing a covers show on the Austrian stage, and loads of grumpy looking local girl acts stamping about to Britney pop.
Also enquired as to the whereabouts of the FC Obolon ground. I decided I fancied going to a game while I was over here, and the bottom of the table clash between Obolon and Arsenal (no, not that one) was the only one on. Turns out that Obolon may or not have a ground of their own. The nice fellas at the tourist info stalls made it their day’s challenge to find out, but even ringing up the sports ministry found no fruit. So we decided that they might be playing at the Dynamo ground – but when I got there they were digging it up. Ah well, it looks like there’s one bit of culture that we might have to miss.
Back down the main drag and the party was still heaving. Little old ladies were asking for money to use their bathroom scales, and a strange old gentleman was getting lads to put their hands on electric plates to test their virility. And of course, there was lots of drinking and cake. They like a good cake round here.
Ah, it was good to get out and about and actually see a bit of the town. It’s not all about 39 moderately good European pop songs y’know. Probably.