Touch my Bond

Dmitry Koldun

Only going to watch a couple of run throughs here, as it’s nearly lunchtime and there’s an hour’s break in the schedule after this one. I’d heard great reviews of this, and am disappointed to discover that it’s actually Touch My Fire reworked as theme to one of the James Bond films that turns out to be a bit disappointing. He’s a bit disappointing too, at least on the first run through – there are some seriously dodgy notes being nearly hit. I’ve wrongly assessed songs on first rehearsal before now, but this is reeking of Surprise Non Qualifier to these jaded ears.

Generally though… I’m sensing a good year coming on. This morning has been three hours of Eurovision In A Bucket, and generally the right kinds.

Back to the hotel shortly, when we get back we’ll see Estonia rehearsing out of order – by the by, Estonia’s second rehearsal is tomorrow when their first should be, then Iceland’s first is when their second should be, and finally Iceland’s second is on Sunday when Estonia’s second should be. All will become clear as we go along, possibly.