This should be a lively stomping opener but in typical Siegel-esque fashion they’ve managed to botch the production. Our “star” singer takes to the stage in a floral long dress completely inappropriate for the performance accompanied by a man in a shiny white suit obviously designed with great unsubtly to appeal to the gay masses. He spends the song trying unsuccessfully to woo her with his dancing whilst she spurns his advances and pushes him to the ground. Three backing singers stand off stage right miles away from the action. And this arena is absolutely enormous. The stage stretches for miles across. What this could have done with is a set of dancers behind and be choreographed to within an inch of it’s life and maximise it’s opener status. What we actually got is very tame movement, weak vocals and lack of any sort of life. I still think with some work it’s a possible qualifier but it could have been so much more.
It’s good to be back 🙂