Party fun with Elfimov

Belarus Party

The delegation party season has begun, and last evening saw it kick off with a little Belorussian soiree. The stars were out in force, and despite there being a rather impolite VIP area (and clearly we aren’t considered I enough Ps to get in), we managed to annoy most of them.

Early adopters were the surprisingly pleasant and accommodating Mr Rybak, the ever-present Czechs, Macedonia’s fluffy boys, and my brother in hair, the Belorussian guitarist. Massive boxes of Elfimov branded booze chocs were scattered around the place, and once the curtain fell we were treated – yes, I think treated is the correct term – to a barrage of Belorussian acts, including Ruslan Alenho, Koldun (who also hosted), that precocious squirt who won the Junior contest, her from Russian in 2005 and a bunch of Belarus final nearly weres, who doubtlessly be gracing the contest proper in years to come.

Then our boy Petr took to the boards and pounded out the hit – followed by a disappointingly poor ballad and a woeful cover of Whitesnake‘s Child In Time. Then from out of nowhere a host of ice cream ladies appeared, handing out chilled confectionery to the already sugared up punters. But there was more – an enormous ice cream cake was rolled out to a massive fanfare and a feeding frenzy ensued reminiscent of banana time at the local baboon enclosure.

But that wasn’t the end of it, oh no. The glittered up Toppers invaded the stage for a swing-time version of the hit (and rather surprisingly those backing singers ARE female), and from there on in a procession of aspiring contestants paraded their wares. Chiara pumped out a disco version of her tune, Armenia were as bonkers as ever, Azerbaijan seemed looser and somehow a lot more fun, Lithuania were stiff and awkward and Latvia rocked the crowd, but the crowd weren’t rocking back.

Just as we were about to leave, Ukraine blustered in, barging everyone out of their way and giving it ten shades of rock star – and we’re starting to dislike them for it. Much more gentlemanly was Sakis, who sNuck in though a back door and kep out of everyone’s way.

And of course the boy Kirkirov was in attendance, lording it over the proceedings from the special people’s balcony, giving a cheeky wave here and there and looking not a little unlike Elvis. Shame we didn’t have the Belgian boy there to compare and contrast…