Well we’ve just been for a wander around a neighbourhood we’ll probably never see again where our apartment managers are. On route we came across a dog that looked like a bat with four legs and a tail (I kid you not!) another that looked like a rat and got right royally warm. The temperature is clearly far more than the 19 degrees that BBC world news is admitting to. In short, it’s typical weather for the land of Eurovisionia.
When we got to our agents “ably” guided by Mr Roy, the security guard didn’t seem willing to admit that the company was in the building and sent us on a wild goose chase around the block. Then when we came back he acted like nothing of the sort had happened and that of course our agents office was in the building! Unfortunately it was lunchtime so we had to go away! When we did get to see the nice lady she was very helpful…… for a price. Sent the paperwork off for us , gave us a confirmation document which was lies and said we were staying in the Hotel Asia (cover story apparently already having been arranged in advance!). Methinks there is a scam in our midst. She did also give us another set of keys to the flat as we only had one and also offered to set up our flat with wireless. So not a bad lunchtimes work. Did mean we missed Romania and Finland but from the sound of things from our compatriots we didn’t miss a great deal.
And on the way back the local 24 hour supermarket….hmmm All I wanted was some coated chicken and rice from the deli counter but lots of hassle instead. The machine that weighed the food didn’t print out the price so the woman had to do a manual calculation and write it on in pencil. Then the queue and we foolishly went to the 7 items or less queue which took forever….sigh. When I did get served the woman had to key the code in by hand and it didn’t work so she had to go to the deli counter and query it thus holding up the queue even further and pissing everyone off. She looked quite scary actually and her staff pass picture looked like Bod and I wouldn’t be surprised if he turned out to be a blood relation 🙂 Back to the Euro madness….
And so onto Portugal….