Armenia – a silent dog whistle of a song

Eva Rivas. Photo: Indrek Galetin (EBU)
Eva Rivas. Photo: Indrek Galetin (EBU)

My fears have been confirmed. It’s Diaspora-tasic at it’s best. I have two schools of thought about this – the first one says, “It’s a great song sung nicely by a good looking woman that knows where the camera is.” My second is, “No, its awful – It has too much symbolism and a stupid tree.”

I think I shall be mixing the two.

Nick: Gurg. Brunghl. Mumbrh. …I’m going to have to write this in real actual words, aren’t I? Got to be honest, seeing them in full stage outfits and stuff, this has transformed from a song that I really liked into one that I admire but don’t like very much at all. Can’t put my finger on it. Yes I can. It’s turned into a full-on Armenian song for Armenian people, just like I suspected it would be weeks ago. It’s a silent dog whistle of a song, you can only really hear it if you’re someone that’s intended to really hear it.

Meh. I can respect it as a dangerous contender, but I don’t think it’s a song I’ll be coming back to in years to come.