The votes are in, we’re fricking off

Norwegian Cheese

The results of our strike ballot are now in. Two Naj Bo, no Naj Vse, three abstentions. The motion is therefore carried.

As of tomorrow morning, OnEurope will NOT be covering the day’s events in Oslo. It shall instead be on a train to Bergen. It shall then be meeting with the Bergen branch official for Fanta and beer, before reconvening in Oslo early on Friday morning. Some disruption to Friday rehearsal coverage may be caused by us being totally shagged out and knackered following a seven hour trip on a sleeper train.

On our return, there may be some rather spectacular photographs of one of the world’s great rail journeys and a fish market on the west coast of Norway. Should be on duty again sometime Friday afternoon. Feel free to visit some of the linked sites on our main page to keep updated, which is probably what we’ll be doing too. Have fun without us, won’t you!