To not paraphrase Maroon 5 (some non-Eurovision entity), it’s Sunday morning and rain isn’t falling. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, the walking betwixt press centre and arena will get just as tiresome. Such is the Eurovision experience.
Many of the usual suspects are here, doing the same dour stuff. Comments abound about the merits, or otherwise, of free Braeburn apples and heart-shaped swirls in coffee
In other news, there’s a song contest taking place here sometime in the distant future. Pyrotechnics abound in the rehearsals so far – three out of three by my rough reckoning. And what else can I tell you, dear reader? The arena is vast, the sort of place where it takes several light years for stuff happening on stage to reach the back. Not only but also, the stage is some way in front of the back drop. Head on camera views won’t give this away, but any side angles will show a worrying gap between backdrop and stage. Might not help those songs where glorious pyrotechnics are meant to synch with the backdrop. Having said that, the default picture at the back, of Düsseldorf’s cityscape is very effective.
I’ll be back shortly, but the large boxing glove that’s just appears for Armenia is a must see.
Later peeps.