For those who have had withdrawal symptoms, I haven’t just been sitting on my arse drinking beer. Technically some of these are from London but I have nabbed who I could down the Euroclub. Paradise Oskar probably thinks I’m stalking him now as my photos with him seem to end tragically and congratulations on our guest blogger from the resistance who “he does not know” for managing to take a photo of me with Paradise Oskar and Poli Genova and missing all three of us…..
In a darkened doorway she lurks… the Albanian singer to hide the fact that she isn’t the 36 years she’s claiming to be….
It’s definitely Paradise Oskar from Finland. Don’t be fooled by the dark haze around us….
My secret dark horse for this year and all round accomplished pianist, Rafael from Italy. But boy does he need to chill. The look on his face isn’t as you’d expect because the mob have caught up with him, more because he’s realised that on May 14th he’s going to have to wheel his piano on in front of 125 million people…
You can’t fault Glen from Malta for his enthusiasm but you’d need to be very optimistic to think you stand a chance with the song he’s got. He’s also camper than Julian Clary making a guest appearance in a Christmas episode of Are You Being Served?
If it were based purely on pop song stuff, Romania would be my favourite this year. David’s two companions may look bemused, but then they’ve probably seen his youtube video….
Alexy from Russia wears an expression not unlike the one politicians have when they’re forced to kiss babies to get votes.
Switzerland’s Anna is my surprise of this year.I’m normally ready to dislike a Swiss entry at the drop of a hat but she’s won me over.
Senit from San Marino looked like a bag lady in London and had an odour with a charm all of it’s own, but reports from Dusseldorf suggest that she’s smartened up a bit 🙂
And for the Russian fans amongst you, here’s Alexy again dancing on the bar at Euroclub last night … to his own song …