That the interval act for semi-one may well involve the North Carolina State Marching Band, as I just saw them getting off a bus outside the arena. It may of course be a co-incidence, as a lot of strange stuff happens around here, but keep your eyes peeled.
That Lena claims she’ll be taking part in the opening of the final in some way, but that also we can expect a big surprise. make of that what you will. (Please dear god, let if be Dusseldorf’s most famous sons – Kraftwerk!)
That while all the other delegations drive around in Eurovision liveried buses, featuring nice flags and their name daubed on the side, Israel prefer to travel in one without the flags and name. So if you were trying to spot them out and about in D’Dorf – for whatever reason – theirs is the unmarked bus…
That every third bar in the old town is pumping Rammstein out of their sound systems most of the night. (Please dear god, let them be the German entry next year!)
That Lena baked a cake for the press corps at her first press conference, and started the event by diving into the crowd with a big tray, handing it out. As you would imagine, chaos ensued.
That Jedward really are like that all the time. I spotted them having a quick chat on the red carpet going into the opening party. I’m still not sure which was which…
Jedward 1: “I really want to do a cartwheel, man. Should I do a cartwheel? Would that be cool?”
Jedward 2: “Uh-uh man. No, that might be kinda like dangerous or something? You might bump into Denmark.”
Jedward 1: “Yeah, but it would be super cool. I’m going to do it. yeah, I’m going to do it!”
Jeward 2: (Quickly) “No. No, I don’t think you should. You know… no.”
Jedward 1: “Oh, Ok…”
…and with that they bounced back into the crowd, grabbing cameras and swapping jackets with the kids. Brilliant!
That the free Glen Vella branded sunglasses the Maltese gave out are a little too small for my massive head. But as I broke my proper shades yesterday I’m stuck with wearing them until I can get to a shades shack.
That in a weird mangling of brain science, Spain’s Lucia Perez is actually much prettier in real life than she is on the telly.
That my feet hurt, my back aches, I’ve got dusty eyes and I’m a little bit grumpy – but still everything is great! Welcome to week two in Dusseldorf!