Oh dear


I’m in trouble with the boss. Apparently I’ve got to write some actual stuff on pain of not being allowed to drink in the Euroclub. It’s a bit “Oh, Brer Fox, please don’t throw me in the briar patch”, but I’ll write some stuff ANYWAY.

At least I’ll TRY to write some stuff, because there’s a strange man behind me squealing in some sort of pain, possibly Croatia-related, it’s hard to be sure. I’ll watch the video myself and check.


There’s got to be something in the Geneva Convention about that, surely? I’d love to use a phrase along the lines of “No dignities were harmed in the making of this motion picture”, but seriously… have they stolen Krassimir Avramov’s choreographer or something?

This would be good news for anyone who came on immediately afterwards with a calm, noncompetitive, simple, “this is our song… we think it’s quite nice” kind of performance. Yay Iceland, which I’ve always liked anyway.

I’m going to go listen to the rest of Aber Bitte Mit Sahne by Udo Juergens now, from which I was rudely interrupted to do that writing of actual stuff.