Right, so I’ve had my little lie down as advertised. It was a very good lie down, involving a trip out to the Koelner Altstadt for substances I dare not mention in polite company, nor you lot (they may, however, be anagrams of “hceese” and “kace”). I like the Koelner Altstadt. It’s got everything you need – a town square, a really big cathedral, a Rhine with a big boat in it, a drum shop and a souvenir shop advertising “Genuine Black Forest Cuckoo Clocks”. And a Lego Shop which will probably merit a whole entry of its own if we ever get near it while it’s open.
I did promise you some comment on Netherlands (a dog of a song which is performed perfectly adequately), Austria (a not great – or at least, not Nick – song which is performed really rather well) and Bosnia (the song which would be attracting the phrase “Olsens feeling” if the Icelanders hadn’t pinched it)
Right, done. G’night. Us unaccredited types (have we mentioned that at any point, btw?) are thinking of trekking over to the Arena tomorrow afternoon to press our little faces against the window like 6 year olds at a puppy shop and see what it’s going to be like for normal people. Any reason why we shouldn’t, dear accredited types who may be reading?