I kept trying to leave honest I did… “This is the last one Monty! I can’t get anymore beer down me Monty. Ok just the one apple liquorice shot then! Ok I’ll try a wine then, that’s better”
And suddenly is was dawn’s crack leaving the Fan Euro Cafe and we were in the Seven Eleven on Strøget hoovering up the snackage! You know every kiosk type shop here is called Seven Eleven even if it’s actually not!!
It was nose to nipple in there and we just missed Suzy performing but saw her leaving the venue! She gave me an emotional hug with a tear in her eye! Bless! The Greek boys were in which is bloody impressive given they rehearsed twice yesterday. They did look tired to be fair though not as tired us me!!
So Thursday is here! Semi Two day! Eek!
I lay wallowing in my own self pity all morning only waking to slug a bit of water and pop a paracetamol.
At least no beer… Yet!
I’ve lost That Monty but we will be reunited at 4.30 for UK fan club duties! No pretending this year we think the UK has a chance…
I’ll be in the press centre before the live show tonight to see if I can decide who’s in my ten! This semi is a killer and good songs are going home tonight….
I like your homage to the Australian interval act in the way you’ve posted the photo. 😉