26th – France. Because no matter how much you bounce around on stage, your song didn’t have that much actual merit musically and Televoters disliked it.
25th – Slovenia. The Juries saved her on the Semi Final, However she was the start of a run of brilliant songs – totally forgettable and it was.
24th – San Marino. See above, apart from you were slap bang in the middle of the best run of songs ever. It wasn’t televoter friendly.
23rd – Malta. Europe didn’t like Mumfords…. Not a bad performance of a good song.
22nd – Azerbaijan. Good Ballad – TICK. Being in the wrong half of the draw – TICK. Iceland pissing on your chips because its fun? – TICK!
21st – Italy. Because, whilst shouting at *me* is a good thing, Europe don’t like being shouted at and minced on the screen – It looked messy and shouty, Europe don’t see any merit about that!
Makes you realise what a toughie the 2014 contest was. Perhaps the best Eurovision, songwise, of this century? Can’t believe Malta and Azerbaijan ended up so low. I thought the Azeri song had a wonderful melody, quite haunting, and that instrument (not sure what it is, woodwind I think) produces such a mournful tone. A ballad of genuine quality.
The Azeri instrument was a balaban.
Thank you.