Another day, another rehearsal. Another night, another late exit from the EuroClub… Thank goodness we have a later start today.
So two words on everyone’s lips last night: San Marino. Genuine joy, and more than a modicum of disbelief at their qualification. Valentina was thrilled when we saw her afterwards at the EuroClub. I was informed Andras was also in the house but despite stomping the length and breadth of the place I remain unfulfilled in the photo stakes.
The Netherlands is creating quite a buzz today. Apparently their sales on iTunes shot up overnight and they’re down to 9/1 in the betting. Simple staging and a quality, if unremarkable, song still works then.
A few puzzled faces about Belgium, and whilst I did think it would go through I’m actually not surprised it didn’t. Portugal too, though I’m more disappointed about that one. The third I got wrong was Albania; I thought the songwriting might help her sneak in.
Two big stories today; firstly the boos when Russia qualified. Thee was a smattering of it as they performed but a more simple silent protest was made by a number of fans raising rainbow flags, the symbol of LGBT equality (one of which seemed to make it to the centre of the screen in the final shot, I don’t know if it made the broadcast). I’m disappointed by this; a protest for the Russian Government’s domestic and foreign policy is warranted but this is not the platform for it, especially directed at two young women not even old enough to vote. The second story is that there were apparently only 2 points separating 10th (and qualifying) place and 12th so it seems a couple of countries very narrowly missed out whilst others just about scraped in. The speculation is rife as to which it was.
Ok, so into the arena now for semi 2 in its first rehearsal. Rosé is blogging this afternoon for you so follow him in the relevant post.
Monty x