Today at the Games – Day 2

Very quick round up as we’re off down the pub.


Malta – Authentic and a real band that knows how to perform.

Poland – Got her tits out for the lads

Hungary – because it is very contemporary song and not a contest song on its own.

Norway – because the 2 seconds when it drops from anguished to Silence is goose bump inducing.

Roy’s Sock – because he stood in a Candle ( Don’t ask)

Ferry to work in the Sun –  Because we can

Cake Again – mmmmm Cake



Portugal – because it is a dated song that would have won ESC 1989 and promotes clichés

San Marino – because its an old dated Siegel Song that he has blown the dust off.

Moldova – she looked like a boxer after a 15 round fight.  Didn’t work at all.

Having to wait for the ferry…..

Long walk to get to the venue from the water bus….. you can’t have everything though.

Non Meat Salad – Looked fab, but really wasnt!!


OnEurope Forks of the day  – Gold for the best, Silver for next etc….


Gold Fork –  Hungary, because his performance was outstanding!!

Silver Fork –  Georgia, for daring to have a Paraglider on stage

Bronze Fork for comedic purposes – Poland –  Tits out accidentaly for Poland, and the press centre cheer from the gays when they saw breasts!

Bully’s special Prize – this goes to the EBUs very own Luke Fisher, for admitting in public that he likes Gash……… ( oh god my accreditation is going to be removed!!!)


Thats all for tonight – we’re off down the pub for a quick expensive pint of something, so you don’t have to.  Thank you for suffering us again for a 2nd day – we hope you enjoy our blathering as much as we enjoy talking bollocks to you!! If you’ve liked it, tell your friends, but tell your enemies more as you can really piss them off by making them read this shit!!


Until Tomorrow………….


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James Blair
James Blair
10 years ago

Dear Miss Balding
Are we there yet?

10 years ago
Reply to  James Blair

round the next corner!!

James Blair
James Blair
10 years ago
Reply to  oneurope

Oh thank god it’s like we’ve been here since the siege of Copenhagen.

10 years ago

Will there be a proper review of the Polish 1st rehearsal? thanks!!! 🙂

10 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

Sadly I didn’t see it as I had to run to get the shuttle water bus back to OnEurope towers – However, Riigi has written about it and from what I hear there was a wardrobe malfunction!!

James Blair
James Blair
10 years ago
Reply to  oneurope

Entirely rehearsed…

Mike B
Mike B
10 years ago

Buuurrrppsss 😛