Montenegro – When you distill essence of Balkan …

… You get Eau de Joksimovic. This has “Balkan” written all the way through it and despite Knez not looking unlike the ex MP For Bradford West, George Galloway, you can tell from note one to the end of the song exactly how this is going to go and, if this was a radio contest, you could imagine in your mind’s eye exactly how it is staged…. and you wouldn’t be far wrong.

It has everything that you expect, Symbolism, Key Change, moody women, decent Balkan Voice, lots of bright lights on the stage and mood lighting, and a song that does nothing for me personally (and neither does the staging) but, and this is the key, it should hoover Votes up from all around Europe.

The question is, though, what is preventing this from getting the Zejlko result (i.e Top 3) – the answer, sadly, is in the singer. He’s giving it plenty, as they say, but he’s not as engaging as other balkanistas and the song, frankly, is not as strong as you would expect. It does all the right things in the right order but it is very… predictable.

Not my cup of soup, I feel underwhelmed but qualifying on that performance. He does, though, need a new suit!