Today at the Games – Wednesday – Day 3


This is going to be a truncated one due to an emergency situation we find ourselves in here at Chez OnEurope Towers (Austrian Branch) – The Eurovision Ireland delegation has found itself being a touch unwell and has worried us all immensely … I can confirm he is back home and snoring his little head off which is good – but I’m mothering and keeping an eye on him… so..

Gold Fork for the best thing of the day – Ireland. Molly Sterling, who we have just seen on a boat trip in Vienna, sung a deep and meaningful song very well and nailed the performance… We like her and the song.

Bendy Bully for worst thing of the day – Portugal. It’s a shambles of a shambles and deserves to come last.

Silver fork for ruining fledgling careers – San Marino – Note to Siegel, These two ARE better than the rubbish you will make them sing and possibly ruin their careers over, thanks for that!

Silver Fork for best costume…. hmm?? – A tie between Warrior Number 2 and Possibly the blokey from Lithuania. Power blue suits are good, yeah, but then again so are Veils… who’d win in a fight??

That’s all for today – a massive thank you if you have been reading us thus far this year…. It’s been hard driving the traffic through the site, but each and every one of you deserves thanking for being here!!

Until Tomorrow …