Cyprus quick out of the blocks

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So the starting pistol on the Eurovision 2025 was fired on Sunday with September 1st marking the first day that songs can be publcially performed.

34 hours later, CYBC set the world on fire by announcing that an actual Cypriot would represent them for the first time since 2017.  Theo Evan ( The stage name of Evangelos Thodorou), a man of undetermined age ( well the internet and wikipedia haven’t said what it is, I’m sure his mother knows!) who was born in Nicosia but went to the US to study at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, think Fame, but edgier!

Seven singles later and acting in the “hit” HBO series Euphoria (Jesus wept!) CYBC and, presumably, Panik Records, came knocking and persuaded him to sing in Basel.

Want to hear some of his music? – of course you do!

Granted, he’s got a bit of gayface going on but I don’t think many gays Eurovision fans would kick him out of bed for crumbs!.  I fully suspect that his song might be “the kind of thing that Cyprus always sends”, just a male version so I can’t wait for that (!)

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