Marius Bear – Boys Do Cry
Ooh look, a variation on a theme.
(That might be too clever for some of you – or too British!)
Instead of having a sad girl singing how bad things are, we get a sad boy singing about how bad things are. Just what the Contest needs. Said no one ever. As an aside, anyone called “bear” in a contest that is beloved by gays might be wisest not too look too typical me thinks.
The vocal track reminds me of George Ezra. An easy style of singing that makes it all seem ridiculously eas,y but there is something in the back of my mind that gets me thinking “perhaps this was a repurposed song?”… because it certainly sounds as though it could be coupled with lyrics about chestnuts roasting on an open fire and snow and all that bollocks. Maybe its just a transferable skill that you learn at Swiss songwriting school – I don’t know.
It also, thematically, reminds me of this:
Which is no bad thing and I am NOT ashamed to say, it’s one of THE all-time great songs of this Contest. Anyway moving on…..
Once you get past his voice sounding nothing like how his face looks (and its taken me an hour to work out it’s actually Professor Green), it’s a gentle lullaby that almost sends you to sleep – not in a bad way – but with a smile on your face. I don’t know how that is going to translate to points, to be honest, and it is a very difficult one to call. Who will it appeal to? Clearly the easy-listening crowd.
Phil’s Score – 5 Points