Karma by Anxhela Peristeri
And we’re back! After the cancellation of 2020 I too sat out a year with my Eurovision Countdown, but – you lucky things! – I’m back, with my rundown of this year’s songs, my own scores (Eurovision style-ee), and a qualification prediction for each of the semi-finalists.
First out of the 2021 blocks, alphabetically and chronologically, is Albania, chosen in the final days of 2020. No stranger to Balkan drama, Anxhela maintains this Albanian tradition and oozes angst as she sings of being unforgiven by God and abandoned by friends. Karma, it appears, really is a bitch. The video alludes to a deep need for atonement to rid of her of the consequences of some earlier profound mistake. It’s juicy, and just in the way I love it.
Anxhela is a captivating live performer and has the potential to deliver this extremely well. Her performance at the Festval I Kenges was forced outdoors to comply with social distancing requirements, and her breath was visible in the air on a chilly December night in downtown Tirana. Around her four bearded wallopers cavorted in fringed Bacofoil outfits lifting, pushing and tossing her around the stage during the instrumental breaks. Well, I guess you have to keep warm somehow. I hope she brings them to Rotterdam.
My marks: 8 points
Will it qualify? Yes