Phil’s Eurovision Countdown 2022 – Part 21 – Italy

Mahmood & BLANCO – Brividi

So Mahmood has come back to the Eurovision – saints preserve us all and the Northern league are going to be even more pissed off than they were before.

This time, he’s brought along a twink for moral support, in the shape of eighteen-year-old BLANCO – I presume social services have been alerted?

This is an exquisite song. A phrase I hardly ever write, but it doesn’t quite do it justice. On the one hand, the raw and emotive lyric about trying to love someone but always fucking it up strikes a chord with me (and it will with many people around Europe). But, it’s the performance that is the key here. Mahmood has a great voice and BLANCO meshes seamlessly with him – they don’t clash at all, and it gives a more rounded sound than just throwing two boys together and seeing what you come up with – as it were.

This is going to get the limited crowd in the PalaAlpitor on their feet from about a nanosecond in, and they wont stop crying until well after it’s finished. Will it win? – Well if Ukraine weren’t at war, then this would stand a massive chance. I think, though, it’s not going to make RAI bankrupt some more, but will give their delegation more grey hairs.

Sometimes the contest just needs something good. This is something good

Phil’s Score.  12 Points

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