Yodel It by Ilinca featuring Alex Florea
I hope you’ve had the opportunity to attend the brilliant Eurobeat, a theatre show parody of Eurovision with audience voting and songs oh-so-juicily satirising the stereotypes of the participating nations. Even with the outrageous compositions that throws up for entertainment you can still see the planning meeting rejecting this year’s actual Romanian entry for being just too far-fetched. Let’s put a bit of hip-hop with some traditional pop, chuck in some rapping, and, hhm, what else does it need? Oh yes. Yodelling. Step forward the ‘only yodeller in Romania’ Ilinca, who has shown off her talents in just about every TV talent show Romania can throw at her. She’s damn good at it, I have to give her credit for that. In fact, by the time she reaches her last chorus her tongue is in a tizzy with more ululations per second than a room full of rimmers at a rimming convention.
Impressive as she is I’m more interested in tongue action with her rapper, Alex, and wouldn’t mind a yodel up his canyon of love myself. Wikipedia promises that by the time they get to Kyiv Ilinca and Alex will have devised a ‘simple movement’ to accompany the yodelling sections and my mind’s agog at what structured fun they’re bidding us all to join in with. The whole package, were you to cut it open, would have Eurovision written through it like a stick of rock. The bizarre melange of styles, whilst unlikely, is still precisely the kind of thing so associated with the Contest, and where else (apart from Romanian TV talent shows) would you get this kind of guff as prime time telly? It’s obviously as naff as you like, but my goodness, it’s also all the kinds of glorious! It will be criminal is this is denied a Saturday night outing.
My marks – 8 points