Would you be happy to be a home entrant. The one that the host broadcaster has picked to win (or otherwise), and have a massive home audience hoping that you can win. It’s a lot of pressure, especially when the audience is less deferential.
Back in 1967, TV was still monochrome, the audience all wore their dinner suits and cocktail dresses, and contests were hosted in palaces. Austria’s broadcaster ORF sent today’s birthday boy Peter Horton to the Wiener Hofburg. Peter had big shoes to fill, as his predecessor – a certain Mr Jürgens – had done his stuff for their country for the last three years. Udo was back stage now, leaving Peter to get on with things. Peter didn’t quite have success, but still got two points, from Portugal and Yugoslavia. But at least his result meant that ORF didn’t have to spend money on the same event in 1968.
Peter is 79 today.
Frohe Geburtstag, Bianca!