Iceland is being taken care of by Nick, but I can safely say I have just been mugged by a Croatian woman, and mugged of my eyeballs! – I was warned by AKOE’s Elaine Vaseline Dove that things were going to kick off with this one, and boy she was right!! – A magic counjouring DJ at a mixing desk and 3 costumes and a wealth of silver paper distributed rather camply from a top hat, well its safe to say that *thats* never been done before, but it looks like its been thought up on the back of a cigarillo packet. ITS AWFUL, TAKE IT AWAY! – I had to walk away from the cheese and the press centre for a moment to get my breath back from that.
I know I am 21 miles away, but I can visualise Keith Mills, Luke Fisher et al going ” WTF was that” pretty much like we did…..
I wonder if the fat lad that came 2nd would have done that?!