Everybody keeps telling me that I’m supposed to like the Croatian entry and that it’s a leading contender to win but coming from a background where free-thinking was hard-fought I prefer to have my own opinion and I simply don’t see what everybody else does. Sure it’s a typical slab of Balkan balladry and it’s competently sung. Cue gimmick with park bench and giant heart. Yawn.
It’ll pick up it’s fair share of votes but leaves me colder than a half eaten kebab left lying out on the sofa overnight after you passed out through a beer or two too many.
Borderline qualifier if the balkan vote turns out in force on May 27th. Personally I’d rather have a genital rash.
Phil: Well this too is supposed to be the Winner of the 55th contest of its type. I can, and you might wanna be seated at this point, see this as more of a winner than Azerbaijan.
This is a song that hasn’t had the kitchen sink thrown at it – it’s 3 girls with 2 props singing a song at me about love, sitting on a bench singing to me, and thats all it needs. The then get up and sing to me and walk about a bit and I am sold from about 45seconds in.
Europe may find the choreography in the middle 8 a little superfluos and it is framed nicely at the end by the prop. It’s nothing complicated and its not overblown.
It is what it is, and it looks beautiful and sounds powerful. This is top 5 material.
Nick: I can see it slightly more than I could. Should be a reasonably straightforward qualify. Another vocal performance that doesn’t worry me – in fact, very few people have worried me vocally today. Even Sieneke didn’t worry me, and she can’t speak. I digress. Feminnem look good on screen, it’s just nice, and nice. Forgive my lack of cogency here. 🙂