Phil: Now bear in mind, come Thursday, Europe will have just seen Jon Lillygreen and made them cry – they they would have had 90 seconds of “Here is what you could have won” – and then they get…
Three women in their nightclothes – who should cover up in this weather – with a park bench (no jokes please). It will certainly be a culture shock for the European public, and I don’t know whether it will be a good or bad thing. On the one hand, this is a very good song performed by people that know what this contest is about – however on the other hand, it comes across on screen as three “ladies” that seem to be trying every trick in the book to get to the final. The camera work shows them at their best (whatever that is) and the shot from above them coming down through the bead curtain is very effective, the only thing that is worrying me is the ending, it just goes meh again like Miro did.
It’s qualifying – clearly – but whether it deserves to is a matter for debate.
Nick: Beautiful girls, beautiful song, beautiful floaty outfits, nice pictures on stage, totally washing over me. It’s nice, it’s really nice, but it’s just not making an impact on me. It’ll qualify for sure, probably, it’s got a demographic, I wouldn’t skip past it on shuffle, but it wouldn’t make me pick my phone up.