Some Czech Republic and some Belarus

We rushed in, just so we can say we were here for the Czech Republic but I suspect we did not miss a great deal.

And I was right, the song itself has been heavily made over and there has been an addition of the obligatory pyrotechnics to oomph the song up but, unfortunately, it is still not that memorable. Tereza looks nice and the camera loves her and the song certainly is not that bad and is hummable, butI don’t think that’s enough to get votes.

is now on stage. Ruslan still sounds to be singing syllables without understanding the words, which is very very off-putting, but the punters that will be watching him on Thursday are probably not going to know this, are they? Performance-wise, it looks very polished but I don’t get the golden balls on the stage. I think that they look unnecessary – especially as the stage is so small (in comparison with recent years), but they do help with the choreography a bit, I guess.

Even though his singing is poor, and the backing vocal mix is awful, It is probably going to qualify.