I’d better leap in here and steal a march on my more sensationalist pals, but sad to say the Danes aren’t to the wonning. They’ll be lucky to make the fifteenthing. It’s alright. Nothijng too horrible about it. It’s a light hearted spot of pop whimsy, to be sure, but nothing to entirely blow your bobbysocks off. (And by the way, if you’ve not seen the marvelous Sidsel meets Bobbysox video on YouTube, I”ll find the link!)
There’s twisting, as you’d expect, and a nice little chap doing some terrific break dancing and some horrific guitar miming. But it’s one of those songs that just does alright. It’ll pick up the votes, but not by the wheelbarrowful.
Queue lots of hyperbole and tales of my blatantly lying by the Phillster.