19 June – I’d break the curse of time to be with you

While we love our contest for its singing, many of them incorporate the element of dance into their stage show too. This extra thing can make or break a song, as it either enhances what you see, or completely distracts from what you want to see.

In 2014, Estonia sent today’s birthday girl Tajna (née Tatjana Mihhailova-Saar) to the cubic stage in Copenhagen. Her song had something about it as it was, and then she added a rigorous dance routine to it with her pal Argo Liik. It was a high-risk strategy, designed to make an impression as she was on so early in the running order. It almost paid off, as another five points would have seen her through to the Grand Final. Still, watch her performance, and if you don’t feel worn out at the end, watch it again until you do.

Tanja is 40 today.

Palju õnne sünnipäevaks, Tanja!