Estonia – Goodbye to Italy

There are people on this table where I am writing this are saying that this song is not that good.

They are wrong.

This song now has all of the perfection of a ripe cheese. It’s staged beautifly darkly with both Sitg (Rastamouse) and Elina trying their damnest to hate each other and it seems to work. They are just the right side of splitting up on stage with the right amount of contempt and pissed off ness that the lyric of the songs deserve and it really stand out well. If, on, you get to see the massive 38 seconds of this, it does not do it justice. However, if you see ESCInsight’s fab piece on how to stage a Eurovision Song you will recognise all of the elements in all the right order.

This… is.. Class, it’s almost perfect sans one or two camera angles but they can be worked out in time but they have wasted a lot of their 30 minutes talking about camera things and they have only done one complete run through ( typically Rastamouse now starts his second one!!) – and it still looks all over the winner that this has the potential to be. The fear, however, is that the concept of the staging (with him and her being at odds, him leaving and her being on her own) may be lost by the direction and styling team at ORF.

If you’re reading this, leave it alone. It’s almost perfect.