As predicted by Stefen himself in his presser sometime earlier in the week, he has indeed changed his outfit to the beige one… I don’t think it makes him look any more country, but there you go – stick with the black one boy!
Back to his performance and Stefan starts by singing in the dark on the satellite stage in front of the waterfall, which actually looks great, though makes me want to go to the toilet and not because of the song.
He’s also stopped mumbling the words as much as he did in Eesti Laul, looks like he has been to the school of diction that some others needed to go to. He then sings and moves at the same time to get to the main stage. He does, though, look proper lonely up there and could do with some help from those two cowboys or someone, but I guess they are going for the little boy lost look.
The unique selling point of this song was the fact that it was Spaghetti Western themed. You don’t get that now and I think it’s a bit of a missed trick – the only hint you get is the desert on the background. Without this, it’s just a guy singing a song…
Yeehaw! #Estonia’s bunging us all the old west cliches, from serpia tones to cinematic wide screen letterboxing – and it really kinda works. The boy’s got charm as he wanders about, although I fear he’ll fall into the pond on one of his leaps. Nice. #Eurovision
— EurovisionApocalypse (@ESCApocalypse) May 6, 2022
#Estonia – Camera goes into a sepia, letterbox effect for the opening. As the song gets going, the lighting turns gold. Stefan sprints to the satellite stage mid-song. #Eurovision
— Dan @ TellyStats.com: #Eurovision #BGT (@TellyStats) May 6, 2022
The dreaded black rainbow of death is back. Stefan compensates with lots of movement – few performances this year make this much use of the full stage.A receptive crowd should elevate this chant-along slice of country-pop, but something’s leaving me a little cold…
— Eurovision Insight (@ESCinsight) May 6, 2022