Nick: This is where it gets confusing – it’s Estonia again, and boy what a long ten minutes they present. It’s only three? It can’t be… it goes on and on and on… and she’s not having a good rehearsal either. The run through that just finished got the awful “one person clapping” response. I just feel that whatever it was that was going so right for Estonia a few years ago, the trick’s gone … it’ll be 2008 at the earliest before they make it back to the final night, I would think. I just can’t give this a hope, especially now I’ve seen it in its proper draw position.
Phil: I presume it’s bad when you hear ONE of the members of the assembled press applauding after your rehearsal – and it isn’t me or Nick. This is being afflicted with Sun-Tripe disease – she is ruining a perfectly decent song by, well, singing it really. It has typical Estonian choreography but even that can’t save it from being a really REALLY bad song live. On MP3 or recording, it was very passable, but now – I fear that it is going down the dumper very quickly unless Gerli Padar decides to tone herself down to 80% or less – they are not going anywhere. I would not say it was TOTALLY Hideous – but it is tedious and is NOT qualifying.