23 September – She always has a little wine

It’s always nice to hear a song that’s not English. But even more special when we hear a proper minority language. Our friends in France have gone down that road in the past with, among others, Breton and Antillean Creole.

They’ve also gone down the road of Corsican. Twice. The best finish Corsican had was when it was used by today’s birthday boy Patrick Fiori (né Patrick Jean-François Chouchayan). He did his stuff way out west in Millstreet and finished fourth in what was a very tense and exciting contest. Patrick has had other Eurovision connections, knowing in his time Lara Fabian and Léon Zitrone. It would be 2011 before we heard Corsican again. Do you miss it too?

Patrick is 52 today.

Bonne anniversaire/Felice Anniversariu, Patrick!